The principal benefits of stocking long-life doughnuts fall into four main categories:
Our Classic Mini Rings last up to 40 days – around 20 times longer than conventional fresh doughnuts – and our Ring Bakes last even longer: 150 days in ambient conditions. As a result, our products are much more likely to sell, rather than to expire on the shelf. This results in:
All waste has a cost, of course, but our products also help to reduce other expenses, too:
Long shelf-lives mean that our products can be put on display from the moment they enter your premises. This translates into:
Longer shelf-lives mean you can place larger but less frequent orders. This offers important benefits
In recent years, there has been a clear and increasing desire on the part of retailers to reduce food- and packaging-waste. By offering products with exceptionally long shelf-lives, we inevitably offer retailers an advantage because so little product will expire on the shelf. Customer data shows that the vast majority of product is sold and therefore leaves the retailer with little or no waste to handle.
However, we have not stopped there. Through collaboration with resource efficiency specialists at the University of Central Lancashire and ENWORKS, we have found ways to reduce wastage with respect to the manufacturing process – ingredients, energy and water – and opportunities to improve the efficiency of our storage and distribution operations.
We have also begun exploring new packaging options that will be equally attractive to consumers, but which will require fewer resources to produce. For example, we recently invested in a new flow wrap machine that will require less plastic overall.
While coronavirus restrictions were in force and many consumers remained wary of shopping in store, major retailers began placing new and larger orders for longer-life foods. Sales of our long shelf-life doughnuts increased markedly as a result of supermarkets and online retailers using our products to minimise their commercial risks.
For most UK retailers, the Covid-19 lockdowns – and associated nervousness on the part of shoppers – prompted a significant reduction in footfall. For many of them, stocking short-lived baked goods presented far greater commercial risks. Having fewer customers in store translated into a greater chance of short-lived products spoiling on the shelves. The resulting waste raised costs and increased the need for extra handling and stock-rotation.
By contrast, stocking our long-life doughnuts minimises these risks.
It enables retailers to continue to offer fresh, tasty bakery snacks but without the waste and without the additional contamination / contact risks associated with frequent handling.
For more details about ordering and delivery, please contact us.
Harcourt Centre
Block 4, Harcourt Road
Dublin 2
D02 HW77
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