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Family Charity ‘Doughnation’

June 16, 2024

Daytrippers 2024

Daytrippers (Bolton) is a volunteer-led charity that supports families that have children with disabilities. It has been organising accessible trips since 2003. When one of its volunteers contacted us to ask if we would support a fund-raising event – its “21st Birthday Ball” – we were only too happy to help.

We donated a supply of Classic Mini Ring doughnuts that were put to several different uses. Individual doughnuts were used as party favours for those who attended the evening event, while complete tubs were sold to raise funds. A further 16 packs were given to members of the dance troupe as a thank you for entertaining guests, and others will be sold from the kitchen over the coming days.

The event, which celebrated the organisation’s 21st anniversary, took place on 15 June and, as a result of sales, donations and auctions, the organisers raised around £1650.

More details about Daytrippers, its activities and events can be found on its website: